If you wish to cancel a product or service (such as a hosting account), you can do this from your client area.
- First, log in to your client area
- Click on Services and then on My Services
- Click on the 'Active' button on the service you wish to cancel
- Click Request Cancellation in the menu on the left
- Briefly describe your reason for cancelling
- To the right of 'Cancellation Type' press the drop-down and select one of the two available options, 'Immediate' OR 'End of billing period'. Please note it may not be possible to retrieve content from a hosting account once deleted so please ensure you have backed up any content you wish to retain
- Complete the process by selecting the 'Request Cancellation' button.
If you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to get in contact with our Billing Department and they will be happy to help.